Rebooting Your Subconscious Mind

Bruce Lipton and Reprograming your Subconscious Mind


Alon Gat

4/8/20238 min read

a woman with a pink shirt and a pink background with a photo of a woman
a woman with a pink shirt and a pink background with a photo of a woman

I was busy cooking away and in the background I could hear Lewis Howes with his very distinct voice, conducting an interview, as he usually does on his show. I wasn’t really sure who it was he was interviewing but it sounded interesting enough, so I kept one ear open. When I heard the words, ‘programming’ and ‘subconscious mind’, I started to listen with both ears.

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a developmental biologist, speaker, and author who coined the term "epigenetics" to describe the study of how the environment can alter gene expression. His research challenged the traditional view of genetics and showed that genes are not fixed or predetermined. Lipton has written several books and given talks around the world, and his work has had far-reaching implications for fields such as medicine, psychology, and evolutionary biology. He continues to research and write about the science of epigenetics today.

I had to replay this interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton by Lewis Howes. It was really fascinating and it really brought home some ideas that I’ve played with back in the past on how to overcome my limiting beliefs. There’s even a method that I used which I will share towards the end. It’s a very effective way to reprogram yourself and overcome your limiting beliefs.

After listening to interview, I even ended up reading, “The Biology of Belief” by Dr. Bruce Lipton.


Here’s what I learned:

Early childhood programming plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in adulthood. During the first seven years of life, the brain is in a highly impressionable state, and children absorb information from their environment like a sponge.

This programming is primarily influenced by the behavior and attitudes of the individuals around them, such as parents, caregivers, and teachers. These early experiences can shape an individual's perception of themselves, others, and the world around them.

If a child grows up in an environment that is supportive, nurturing, and encourages growth and development, they are more likely to develop a positive self-image, healthy relationships, and a sense of empowerment. On the other hand, if a child grows up in an environment that is stressful, abusive, or neglectful, they are more likely to develop negative beliefs about themselves, others, and the world around them, which can lead to a range of psychological and physical problems in adulthood.

It's important to note that while early childhood programming can have a significant impact on an individual's development, it is not a life sentence. The brain has an incredible capacity to change and rewire itself throughout life, which means that individuals can work to change their beliefs and behaviors at any age.

The impact of early childhood programming on adulthood can be understood through the lens of epigenetics. Early experiences can alter gene expression patterns, which can have long-term effects on an individual's physical and mental health. However, it's important to remember that these gene expression patterns are not set in stone and can be modified through lifestyle changes, such as diet, exercise, and stress reduction techniques.


So what happens after we become adults?

The impacts of early childhood programming on adults can manifest in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Beliefs and attitudes: Our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world around us are heavily influenced by our early childhood experiences. For example, if a child grows up in an environment where they are constantly criticized, they may develop negative self-talk and a lack of confidence as adults. Conversely, if a child grows up in an environment that fosters positive self-esteem, they are more likely to have a healthy sense of self-worth as adults.

  2. Relationships: Our early childhood experiences can also influence our ability to form healthy relationships in adulthood. For example, if a child grows up in an environment where they are not shown love and affection, they may struggle to form close relationships as adults. On the other hand, if a child grows up in an environment where they are shown love and affection, they are more likely to form healthy relationships in adulthood.

  3. Health outcomes: Early childhood experiences can also have a significant impact on our physical health in adulthood. For example, chronic stress in childhood can lead to a weakened immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness and disease. Adverse childhood experiences have been linked to an increased risk of a range of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

  4. Career success: Our early childhood experiences can also influence our career success in adulthood. For example, if a child grows up in an environment that emphasizes the importance of education, they are more likely to succeed academically and professionally as adults.

It's important to note that the impact of early childhood programming on adults is complex and multifaceted, and can vary from individual to individual. However, by understanding the role of early childhood experiences in shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, we can work to identify and address any negative patterns in our lives and work towards a healthier, more fulfilling future.


Overcoming any negative impacts?

While early childhood programming can have a significant impact on an individual's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in adulthood, it is not a life sentence. The brain has an incredible capacity to change and rewire itself throughout life, which means that individuals can work to overcome negative patterns of behavior and thought that may have been ingrained during their early years.

One way to overcome early childhood programming is through therapy or counseling. Talking to a professional can help individuals to identify negative patterns of thought or behavior that may be holding them back and develop strategies for addressing and changing those patterns.

Another way to overcome early childhood programming is through self-reflection and self-awareness. By taking the time to reflect on their experiences and beliefs, individuals can start to identify any negative patterns and work towards changing them. This can involve practices such as mindfulness, meditation, or journaling.

Finally, making positive lifestyle changes can also help to overcome early childhood programming. For example, adopting a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and practicing stress reduction techniques can all help to promote positive changes in the brain and body, which can in turn lead to more positive patterns of thought and behavior.

It's important to remember that overcoming early childhood programming is not an overnight process, and it may require ongoing effort and dedication. However, by taking small steps towards positive change, individuals can work towards creating a healthier, more fulfilling future for themselves.


Is there a faster way to overcome these early childhood programming?

While there is no guaranteed quick fix for overcoming early childhood programming, there are a few strategies that some individuals have found helpful in accelerating the process:

  1. Brainwave entrainment: Brainwave entrainment is a technique that uses sound or light to stimulate the brain and induce specific brainwave patterns associated with relaxation, focus, or creativity. Some individuals have found that brainwave entrainment can help to accelerate the process of rewiring the brain and overcoming negative patterns of thought and behavior – this method can be further enhanced with the use of subliminals and self-hypnosis.

  2. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT): RTT is a form of therapy that combines elements of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to help individuals identify and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors. RTT is designed to produce rapid results and can often help individuals to overcome negative patterns of thought and behavior in just a few sessions.

  3. Energy healing: Energy healing is a holistic therapy that works to balance the body's energy systems and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Some individuals have found that energy healing techniques, such as Reiki or acupuncture, can help to release negative emotions and promote positive changes in the brain and body.

It's important to note that while these strategies may be helpful for some individuals, they are not a substitute for traditional therapy or self-reflection. It's always a good idea to consult with a professional before trying any new therapy or technique.

If you’re lucky enough to have access to these different processes then you’re truly on your way to healing and moving towards a better future and a successful life.


Now, I’d like to talk about what Dr. Lipton mentioned in that interview as self-hypnosis. A method that can be easily implemented in everyday life. Which brings me to what I promised earlier with sharing a method I used that really helped me.

Self-hypnosis is a technique that involves inducing a trance-like state in oneself for the purpose of achieving a particular goal, such as reducing stress or improving self-confidence. Here are some steps to guide you through the process of self-hypnosis:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your session.

  2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

  3. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. You may want to tense and then release each muscle group in your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to your head.

  4. Focus your attention on a specific object, sound, or word. This can be a physical object in the room or a mental image that you create in your mind.

  5. Repeat a positive affirmation or suggestion to yourself, such as "I am calm and relaxed" or "I have the confidence to achieve my goals."

  6. Visualize yourself achieving your goal, and allow yourself to experience the positive emotions associated with this accomplishment.

  7. When you are ready to end your session, slowly count backward from ten to one, and then open your eyes.

Remember, self-hypnosis is a skill that requires practice and patience. It may take several attempts to achieve a deep state of relaxation and focus. With regular practice, however, you can develop the ability to enter a hypnotic state quickly and easily, and use it to achieve your desired goals.

I did gain results using self-hypnosis and it even helped with some aspects of my life. But I found something even faster and longer lasting.

I started to use subliminal audio to change more of my life. Not only was it effective but it was also very cost effective. My life started to change as result. I found my life partner and even changed my career to something more fulfilling.


What is subliminal audio?

Subliminal audio refers to audio recordings that contain hidden or subliminal messages that are meant to influence a person's behavior or thoughts without their conscious awareness. These messages are typically embedded beneath the main audio content and are designed to be too quiet or too fast for the conscious mind to detect.

The idea behind subliminal audio is that by bypassing the conscious mind, the messages can be directly absorbed by the subconscious mind, which is believed to be more receptive to suggestions and ideas. Proponents of subliminal audio claim that it can be used to improve various aspects of a person's life, such as boosting self-esteem, reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and motivation, and even enhancing physical performance.


How does it work?

Subliminal audio is designed to bypass the conscious mind by presenting messages in a way that is too quiet or too fast for the conscious mind to detect. The messages are typically embedded beneath the main audio content, such as music or nature sounds, and may be masked by other sounds or frequencies.

The conscious mind is responsible for processing information that is within our awareness, such as our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. It is limited in its capacity to process information, and can become overwhelmed or distracted by too much input.

The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is believed to be more receptive to suggestions and ideas because it operates outside of our conscious awareness. It is responsible for processing information that is outside of our conscious awareness, such as automatic bodily functions and deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors.

Subliminal audio is designed to target the subconscious mind by presenting messages that bypass the conscious mind's filtering process. By presenting messages in a way that is not consciously detectable, the hope is that the messages will be absorbed by the subconscious and influence behavior or thoughts on a deeper level.

Amongst the sea or different audios out there, I can across something that has been around for a while with a great reputation.

I started using Real Subliminal tools. They guarantee their products and they have a large collection.

‘The Weight Loss Mindset' audio. I felt no change for the first week. They said it might 2 weeks to work, so I kept going. After another 2 days, that afternoon, I felt like going for a walk. By the end of the month, I started to lift weights again. 3 months later, I’ve lost 11 Kilos. I feel great.

I just started ‘Live without Regrets’. I am really positive about this. I really want to have a more fulfilled life.

Here we go!

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